July 2024 Newsletter

Q: Who has to work on the Fourth of July?

A: Fireworks!


Happy 248th Independence Day everyone!  Celebrating America's declaring of independence from Great Britain in 1776. 

July is a big month for my family.  On July 5th, I mark 40 years as a licensed insurance agent in Connecticut.  Can you believe it?

On July 10, our daughter Frankie (Anna Francesca) has a birthday and Friday, July 26 is my genius wife Amy’s birthday.  I can’t tell you her age, I’ll just remember to get the cake, a mushy card, flowers and chocolate.  I’m so grateful for these two ladies in my life.

I hope you and your loved ones are enjoying the summer and staying healthy and safe.

Kind Regards,

Michael Antonini

What’s New

New $2000 Maximum Out-of-Pocket Drug Costs in 2025

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) continues to change the landscape in Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (PDP).  First the good news. In 2025 there will be a new $2,000 maximum out of pocket for your drug costs and the gap or donut hole will be eliminated.  This will be a big help for people who take a lot of expensive medications.  There will be a $590 deductible on most plans then you pay 25% until your out of pocket threshold of $2,000 is met.

However, with insurance companies covering more of the cost for prescriptions, I believe they will need to do other things to recover some of their costs such as more prior authorizations and higher premiums. Some companies may even chose to stop selling drug plans. So for people who take no medications or just a few generics, this may not be such good news as it is for those who now spend thousands on drug and premium costs.

I won’t know what the drug plans will look like until October and expect to be very busy helping people make sure they are on the right plan for their needs.  You can review your own drug plan starting October 1, 2024 at www.medicare.gov/plan-compare/.

Here is an example video I did a couple years ago FYI.

Ask An Expert: Andrea Uptmor

10 Tips to Fit Gratitude Into Your Life

Ready to begin? Here are ten ways to become a more thankful person.
1. Every day, say aloud three good things that happened.

This can be a fun activity to do with your kids when you tuck them in, or around the dinner table with family, but it’s also extremely powerful to express gratitude aloud when you’re alone. 

2. Keep a gratitude journal.

Jot down the small things from your day that mattered to you, like the few minutes of quiet time you had on your drive to work, or the fact that this afternoon’s rain storm didn’t flood your basement. If you’re having a particularly rough day, you can look back through the pages of accumulated blessings in your life

3. Say thanks to your partner.

Couples who express gratitude toward one another set up a powerful feedback loop of intimacy and trust, where both partners feel as if their needs are being met.

4. Cool a hot temper with a quick gratitude inventory.

One of the quickest ways to dispel the energy of a stormy mood is to focus your attention on what’s good. So when you’re about to lash out at someone, take a moment to do a quick inventory of five things you’re thankful for in the moment. It could be your good health, clean air, or even the recent switch to a cheaper cell-phone bill—these details will help you relax and avoid saying something you’ll later regret.

5. Thank yourself.

Gratitude doesn’t always need to be focused on what other people have done for you! Make sure you give yourself a thank-you for the healthy habits you’ve cultivated in your own life, such as eating plenty of veggies or giving yourself enough time for rest each night.

6. Use technology to send three gratitude messages a week.

Find yourself tethered to your cell phone or the internet for hours each day? Harness the power of this technology to send out some good vibes, such as a text or Facebook comment, to tell your friends why you appreciate them.

7. Savor the good moments.

If you notice you’re feeling happy, stop what you’re doing and pay attention for a few minutes. Notice exactly how you feel, including the sensations in your body and the thoughts you’re having. Later, when you’re trying to inspire gratitude, you can remember this moment and experience the benefits all over again.

8. Check for silver linings.

Even the most difficult life challenges come with some benefit—you just have to look to find them. Being sick draws the compassion of friends. Making a mistake teaches you a lesson. When things feel hard, ask yourself: What’s good here?

9. Look outward, not inward.

Robert Emmons says people are more likely to feel grateful when they put their focus on others, rather than getting caught up in their own inner narratives about how things should have gone. Empathy for others can trigger a sense of gratitude, and people who have an outward focus tend to experience stronger benefits.

10. Change your perspective.

If you struggle to come up with something to feel grateful for, put yourself in the shoes of someone who is experiencing misfortunes greater than your own. Recalling a colleague who has a debilitating physical condition, for example, will inspire gratitude for your own healthy body, which you may have taken for granted otherwise.

Important Dates

Happy July Birthdays!  Especially Amy & Frankie!

Happy Independence Day!

Full Buck Moon Sunday July 21, 2024 6:17 AM EDT

Looking forward to continuing a great summer!

All the Best,
Michael Antonini


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