Gratitude Update

In my March blog post, I shared a little about the power of gratitude and wanted to share the fruits of my gratitude efforts with you.

I sent 18 gratitude letters and many people replied (some good and others not as good as I was hoping for), but here is one of the good outcomes - 2 amazing people I took out to lunch.  One is Kar Hei, who I thanked for getting me started on my weight loss journey 2 years ago.  We celebrated me losing 50 pounds in less than 2 years.  The other is a 94-year-old client, Harvey, who I have not seen since the pandemic. He’s sort of my personal psychologist and I thanked him because he's the one who convinced me to never stop working since I love what I do.  He was commuting into NYC once a week before the pandemic and still seeing clients at age 90.  An inspiration.

A wise 94-year-old man who worked his whole life and a 41-year-old  man in amazing physical condition - someday (when/if I grow up) I want a part of what I learned from each of them to stay with me.  I'm grateful that Harvey and Kar Hei are a part of my life.


April 2023 Newsletter


March 2023 Newsletter